Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Grow a Fucking Pair

Why are the Justices of the United States Supreme Court so scared to do their fucking job?  That is the impression I got from oral arguments yesterday and today in the two marriage equality cases before the Supreme Court this term.  A lot of time (10 minutes for Prop 8 and 50 minutes for DOMA) was taken at the start of each oral argument to find out if the plaintiffs in each case standing.  That's right, 1/6 of oral arguments in the Prop 8 case and almost 1/2 of oral arguments of the DOMA case was spent on how the Justices might be able to kick the cases and avert doing their job.

Remember, at least four Justices voted to accept to hear these cases this term and scheduled oral arguments.  Two of the most important gay civil rights cases since 1996's Lawrence v. Texas and the Justices are looking for away to avoid handing down a real decision.  They would rather punt.  And that includes the "liberals" on the Court.

Is it too much to ask the Justices of the Supreme Court to grow a pair of fucking balls and do their job?  Is it too much for these Justices to say that this issue is too important to push down the road?  Is it too much for these Justices to say the time is now, not later, but now for them grant "equality under the law" to gays and lesbians in regards to marriage?

If not now, when?  I am getting very tired of asking that question in regards to equal rights.  So, I am going to ask this simple question of the Justices: Will you please grow a pair and find that discrimination against gays and lesbians in regards to marriage is a violation of the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment in both the Prop 8 and the DOMA cases?

Just grow a pair and do your fucking job.

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