Saturday, November 13, 2010

Senator Cindy McCain: Update

Yesterday I made a post in regards to Cindy McCain's political aspirations.  In that post I made reference to her repeated appearances in the NOH8 videos.  It appears that Mrs. McCain has made a tweet stating the following:

"I fully support the NOH8 campaign and all it stands for and am proud to be a part of it. But I stand by my husband's stance on DADT."

Now, my friends over at AMERICAblog Gay have decided to claim that Mrs. McCain is a liar.  I respect my friend's opinion, but they need to see it in the correct light.  Mrs. McCain didn't "backtrack" or "reverse" her position regarding the reprehensible Don't Ask Don't Tell, she was standing by her husband to have to the opinion that he does, no matter if its the wrong opinion.

We all know that Senator John McCain is an angry old curmudgeon and Mrs. McCain probably knows better than the rest of us in that regards.  That doesn't mean that he is not allowed his opinions, nor does it mean that his wife, Cindy McCain, can't say that she supports him as only a wife could.

As mentioned in my previous post, I don't know Cindy McCain's true motives for appearing in the NOH8 videos, but I am rather glad she has, for good or bad.  This "incident" is another reason you will never find me tweeting.  My views are too damn long winded to be tweeted and as Cindy McCain found out, even simple views should never be tweeted as well.

By the way, doesn't calling Cindy McCain a liar negate what NOH8 is trying to do?

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